Cantera  3.1.0a1
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Substance Class Referenceabstract

Base class from which all pure substances are derived. More...

#include <Sub.h>

Inheritance diagram for Substance:

Detailed Description

Base class from which all pure substances are derived.

Definition at line 36 of file Sub.h.

Public Member Functions

void setStdState (double h0=0.0, double s0=0.0, double t0=298.15, double p0=1.01325e5)
virtual double Pp ()=0
double hp ()
 Enthalpy of a single-phase state.
double gp ()
 Gibbs function of a single-phase state.
double prop (propertyFlag::type ijob)
void set_TPp (double t0, double p0)
 set T and P
void Set (PropertyPair::type XY, double x0, double y0)
 Function to set or change the state for a property pair XY where x0 is the value of first property and y0 is the value of the second property.
Information about a substance
virtual double MolWt ()=0
 Molecular weight [kg/kmol].
virtual double Tcrit ()=0
 Critical temperature [K].
virtual double Pcrit ()=0
 Critical pressure [Pa].
virtual double Vcrit ()=0
 Critical specific volume [m^3/kg].
virtual double Tmin ()=0
 Minimum temperature for which the equation of state is valid.
virtual double Tmax ()=0
 Maximum temperature for which the equation of state is valid.
const char * name ()
 Name of the substance.
const char * formula ()
 Chemical formula for the substance.
double P ()
 Pressure [Pa].
double Temp ()
 Temperature [K].
double v ()
 Specific volume [m^3/kg].
double u ()
 Internal energy [J/kg].
double h ()
 Enthalpy [J/kg].
double s ()
 Entropy [J/kg/K].
double f ()
 Helmholtz function [J/kg].
double g ()
 Gibbs function [J/kg].
virtual double cv ()
 Specific heat at constant volume [J/kg/K].
virtual double cp ()
 Specific heat at constant pressure [J/kg/K].
virtual double thermalExpansionCoeff ()
virtual double isothermalCompressibility ()
Saturation Properties
double Ps ()
virtual double dPsdT ()
 The derivative of the saturation pressure with respect to temperature.
double Tsat (double p)
 Saturation temperature at pressure p.
double x ()
 Vapor mass fraction.
int TwoPhase (bool strict=false)
 Returns 1 if the current state is a liquid/vapor mixture, 0 otherwise.

Protected Member Functions

virtual double ldens ()=0
virtual double Psat ()=0
 Saturation pressure, Pa.
virtual double up ()=0
 Internal energy of a single-phase state.
virtual double sp ()=0
 Entropy of a single-phase state.
virtual int ideal ()
double vp ()
int Lever (int itp, double sat, double val, propertyFlag::type ifunc)
 Uses the lever rule to set state in the dome.
void update_sat ()
 Update saturated liquid and vapor densities and saturation pressure.

Protected Attributes

double T = Undef
double Rho = Undef
double Tslast = Undef
double Rhf = Undef
double Rhv = Undef
double Pst = Undef
double m_energy_offset = 0.0
double m_entropy_offset = 0.0
std::string m_name
std::string m_formula

Private Member Functions

void set_Rho (double r0)
void set_T (double t0)
void set_v (double v0)
void BracketSlope (double p)
double vprop (propertyFlag::type ijob)
void set_xy (propertyFlag::type if1, propertyFlag::type if2, double X, double Y, double atx, double aty, double rtx, double rty)

Private Attributes

int kbr = 0
double Vmin
double Vmax
double Pmin
double Pmax
double dvbf
double dv
double v_here
double P_here

Member Function Documentation

◆ setStdState()

void setStdState ( double  h0 = 0.0,
double  s0 = 0.0,
double  t0 = 298.15,
double  p0 = 1.01325e5 

Definition at line 24 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ MolWt()

virtual double MolWt ( )
pure virtual

Molecular weight [kg/kmol].

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ Tcrit()

virtual double Tcrit ( )
pure virtual

Critical temperature [K].

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ Pcrit()

virtual double Pcrit ( )
pure virtual

Critical pressure [Pa].

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ Vcrit()

virtual double Vcrit ( )
pure virtual

Critical specific volume [m^3/kg].

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ Tmin()

virtual double Tmin ( )
pure virtual

Minimum temperature for which the equation of state is valid.

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ Tmax()

virtual double Tmax ( )
pure virtual

Maximum temperature for which the equation of state is valid.

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ name()

const char * name ( )

Name of the substance.

Definition at line 68 of file Sub.h.

◆ formula()

const char * formula ( )

Chemical formula for the substance.

Definition at line 73 of file Sub.h.

◆ P()

double P ( )

Pressure [Pa].

If two phases are present, return the saturation pressure; otherwise return the pressure computed directly from the underlying eos.

Definition at line 35 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ Temp()

double Temp ( )

Temperature [K].

Definition at line 88 of file Sub.h.

◆ v()

double v ( )

Specific volume [m^3/kg].

Definition at line 93 of file Sub.h.

◆ u()

double u ( )

Internal energy [J/kg].

Definition at line 98 of file Sub.h.

◆ h()

double h ( )

Enthalpy [J/kg].

Definition at line 103 of file Sub.h.

◆ s()

double s ( )

Entropy [J/kg/K].

Definition at line 108 of file Sub.h.

◆ f()

double f ( )

Helmholtz function [J/kg].

Definition at line 113 of file Sub.h.

◆ g()

double g ( )

Gibbs function [J/kg].

Definition at line 118 of file Sub.h.

◆ cv()

double cv ( )

Specific heat at constant volume [J/kg/K].

Definition at line 42 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ cp()

double cp ( )

Specific heat at constant pressure [J/kg/K].

Definition at line 80 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ thermalExpansionCoeff()

double thermalExpansionCoeff ( )

Definition at line 132 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ isothermalCompressibility()

double isothermalCompressibility ( )

Definition at line 185 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ Ps()

double Ps ( )

Definition at line 485 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ dPsdT()

double dPsdT ( )

The derivative of the saturation pressure with respect to temperature.

Definition at line 233 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ Tsat()

double Tsat ( double  p)

Saturation temperature at pressure p.

Definition at line 280 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ x()

double x ( )

Vapor mass fraction.

If T >= Tcrit, 0 is returned for v < Vcrit, and 1 is returned if v > Vcrit.

Definition at line 262 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ TwoPhase()

int TwoPhase ( bool  strict = false)

Returns 1 if the current state is a liquid/vapor mixture, 0 otherwise.

By default, saturated vapor and saturated liquid are included; setting the flag strict to true will exclude the boundaries.

Definition at line 250 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ Pp()

virtual double Pp ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, and Heptane.

◆ hp()

double hp ( )

Enthalpy of a single-phase state.

Definition at line 157 of file Sub.h.

◆ gp()

double gp ( )

Gibbs function of a single-phase state.

Definition at line 162 of file Sub.h.

◆ prop()

double prop ( propertyFlag::type  ijob)

Definition at line 723 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ set_TPp()

void set_TPp ( double  t0,
double  p0 

set T and P

Definition at line 768 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ Set()

void Set ( PropertyPair::type  XY,
double  x0,
double  y0 

Function to set or change the state for a property pair XY where x0 is the value of first property and y0 is the value of the second property.

Definition at line 333 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ ldens()

virtual double ldens ( )
protectedpure virtual

◆ Psat()

virtual double Psat ( )
protectedpure virtual

Saturation pressure, Pa.

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ up()

virtual double up ( )
protectedpure virtual

Internal energy of a single-phase state.

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ sp()

virtual double sp ( )
protectedpure virtual

Entropy of a single-phase state.

Implemented in CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and water.

◆ ideal()

virtual int ideal ( )

Definition at line 199 of file Sub.h.

◆ vp()

double vp ( )

Definition at line 203 of file Sub.h.

◆ Lever()

int Lever ( int  itp,
double  sat,
double  val,
propertyFlag::type  ifunc 

Uses the lever rule to set state in the dome.

Returns 1 if in dome, 0 if not, in which case state not set.

Definition at line 577 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ update_sat()

void update_sat ( )

Update saturated liquid and vapor densities and saturation pressure.

Definition at line 495 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ set_Rho()

void set_Rho ( double  r0)

Definition at line 457 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ set_T()

void set_T ( double  t0)

Definition at line 466 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ set_v()

void set_v ( double  v0)

Definition at line 475 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ BracketSlope()

void BracketSlope ( double  p)

Definition at line 749 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ vprop()

double vprop ( propertyFlag::type  ijob)

Definition at line 559 of file Sub.cpp.

◆ set_xy()

void set_xy ( propertyFlag::type  if1,
propertyFlag::type  if2,
double  X,
double  Y,
double  atx,
double  aty,
double  rtx,
double  rty 

Definition at line 620 of file Sub.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ T

double T = Undef

Definition at line 177 of file Sub.h.

◆ Rho

double Rho = Undef

Definition at line 178 of file Sub.h.

◆ Tslast

double Tslast = Undef

Definition at line 179 of file Sub.h.

◆ Rhf

double Rhf = Undef

Definition at line 180 of file Sub.h.

◆ Rhv

double Rhv = Undef

Definition at line 181 of file Sub.h.

◆ Pst

double Pst = Undef

Definition at line 182 of file Sub.h.

◆ m_energy_offset

double m_energy_offset = 0.0

Definition at line 183 of file Sub.h.

◆ m_entropy_offset

double m_entropy_offset = 0.0

Definition at line 184 of file Sub.h.

◆ m_name

std::string m_name

Definition at line 185 of file Sub.h.

◆ m_formula

std::string m_formula

Definition at line 186 of file Sub.h.

◆ kbr

int kbr = 0

Definition at line 224 of file Sub.h.

◆ Vmin

double Vmin

Definition at line 225 of file Sub.h.

◆ Vmax

double Vmax

Definition at line 225 of file Sub.h.

◆ Pmin

double Pmin

Definition at line 226 of file Sub.h.

◆ Pmax

double Pmax

Definition at line 226 of file Sub.h.

◆ dvbf

double dvbf

Definition at line 227 of file Sub.h.

◆ dv

double dv

Definition at line 227 of file Sub.h.

◆ v_here

double v_here

Definition at line 228 of file Sub.h.

◆ P_here

double P_here

Definition at line 228 of file Sub.h.

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