Cantera Governance#

This document outlines the policies and procedures that manage the Cantera community.

Code of Conduct#

All online and in-person interactions and communications related to Cantera are governed by the Cantera Code of Conduct. This code of conduct sets expectations for the community to ensure that users and contributors are able to participate in a respectful and welcoming environment.

Teams & Roles#

Steering Committee

This is the governing body of Cantera, making decisions regarding the structure, operations, and long-term direction of the project. Each member has one vote for important project decisions.


Members of the committers team have commit/push access to the Cantera source code, and can merge pull requests.

Cantera Users’ Group moderators

Members of the moderators team moderate the Users’ Group, and have power to enable/disable posting of community members at their discretion.

Current Steering Committee#

The role of the steering committee is to ensure the long-term health of the Cantera project. This includes overseeing the development of the Cantera code and community in a way that most benefits the entire community of users and contributors. The steering committee can be contacted at The current steering committee (in alphabetical order) is:

  • Steven DeCaluwe (2018–)

  • Connie Gao (2019-)

  • C. Franklin Goldsmith (2018–)

  • Kyle Niemeyer (2018–)

  • Raymond Speth (2018–)

  • Bryan Weber (2018–)

  • Richard West (2018–)

The Steering Committee should have at least five members. Members serve in two-year cycles (starting in November 2018), with the ability to reaffirm their membership at the end of each cycle without a committee vote or leave the committee at their discretion. Members can also choose to leave the committee at any time.


The Steering Committee will vote on the following topics, with passing contingent on a 2/3 majority. All members should vote, but abstentions are permitted.

  • Modifications of the governance procedures

  • Adding/removing steering committee members

  • Spending project funds

  • Adding/removing people with commit rights to GitHub repositories

  • Adding/removing moderators of the User’s Group

  • Adding/removing people to private communication channels

  • Adding/removing people with rights to post as Cantera on social media

  • Establishing sub-committees and roles

  • Adding/removing members from the Scientific Advisory Board

The Steering Committee will maintain a Google Doc that records all votes (but not discussion). Access to the Google Doc will be limited to members of the Steering Committee.


This document was inspired by the conda-forge governance guidelines.