Affiliated Packages#
While Cantera provides some standalone models and applications, numerous external packages exist that provide more specialized functionality and rely on Cantera. Here we provide a non-exhaustive, alphabetical, list of these packages; if you would like us to include your package, please submit a pull request, file an issue, or post on the Google Users’ Group.
Graphical user interface for calculating properties using Cantera.
Maintainer(s): Stefano Rebughini
Commercial modeling and simulation software for materials science and chemistry.
A hub for combustion reaction mechanisms including converted Cantera XML and YAML based mechanisms.
Maintainer(s): Weiqi Ji, Jeff Santner
A tool to help Cantera users to detect chemical and syntax errors in kinetic models
Maintainer(s): Chao Xu, Richard West
A light-weight Python wrapper facilitating batch simulations.
Maintainer(s): Ingmar Schoegl
A quasi-one-dimensional, unsteady reacting flow solver that can simulate a number of fundamental flame configurations: premixed laminar flames, opposed-flow strained flames (premixed or diffusion), axisymmetric (tubular) flames with positive or negative curvature, and steady 2D flames in a prescribed velocity field.
Maintainer(s): Ray Speth
A GUI-based application for simulating experimental data and optimizing chemical kinetics mechanisms.
Maintainer(s): Travis Sikes, Robert Tranter
A python GUI for calculating properties of gases, equilibrium states, and isentropic compression. Similar to unsupported GasEQ software.
Maintainer(s): Jeff Santner
A library for Portable Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Transport calculations.
Maintainer(s): James Sutherland
Generates C and CUDA source code for analytically calculating the Jacobian matrix for a chemical kinetic model, along with species and reaction rates.
Maintainer(s): Nick Curtis, Kyle Niemeyer
Python-based (chemical kinetic) Model Automatic Reduction Software (pyMARS) implements multiple techniques for reducing the size and complexity of detailed chemical kinetic models.
Maintainer(s): Phillip Mestas, Kyle Niemeyer
A Differentiable Reacting Flow Simulation Package in PyTorch.
Maintainer(s): Weiqi Ji
A Python real and ideal gas frozen shock solver.
Maintainer(s): Cory Kinney
Reaction Mechanism Generator, a tool for automatically generating chemical reaction mechanisms for modeling reaction systems including pyrolysis, combustion, atmospheric science, and more.
Maintainer(s): William Green, Richard West
The Shock & Detonation Toolbox enables the solution of standard problems for gas-phase explosions using realistic thermochemistry and detailed chemical kinetics.
Maintainer(s): Joseph E. Shepherd