Transport Properties#


class Transport(th, model, loglevel)#

Transport class constructor.

Create a new instance of class Transport(). One to three arguments may be supplied. The first must be an instance of class ThermoPhase(). The second (optional) argument is the type of model desired, specified by the string 'default' or a specific transport model name such as 'mixture-averaged' or 'multicomponent'. 'default' uses the default transport specified in the phase definition. The third argument is the logging level desired.

  • th – Instance of class ThermoPhase()

  • model – String indicating the transport model to use. Possible values are 'default', 'none', 'mixture-averaged', and 'multicomponent', among others. Optional.

  • loglevel – Level of diagnostic logging. Default if not specified is 4.


Instance of class Transport()


Get the binary diffusion coefficents.


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which binary diffusion coefficients are desired.


A matrix of binary diffusion coefficients. The matrix is symmetric: d(i,j) = d(j,i). Units: m**2/s


Get the electrical conductivity.


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which the electrical conductivity is desired.


Electrical conductivity in S/m


Get the mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients.

Object a must belong to a class derived from Transport, and that was constructed using a model that implements mixture-averaged transport properties. If not, you will get the error message

**** Method getMixDiffCoeffs not implemented. ****

In this case, create a new gas mixture model that uses a mixture-averaged transport manager, for example:

>> gas = GRI30('mixture-averaged');

See also: MultiDiffCoeffs()


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients are desired.


Vector of length nSpecies with the mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients. Units: m**2/s


Get the multicomponent diffusion coefficients.

Object a must belong to a class derived from Transport, and that was constructed by specifying the 'multicomponent' option. If 'multicomponent' was not specified, you will get the error message

**** Method getMultiDiffCoeffs not implemented. ****

In this case, try method mixDiffCoeffs(), or create a new gas mixture model that uses a mixture-averaged transport manager, for example:

>> gas = GRI30('multicompnent');

a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which multicomponent diffusion coefficients are desired.


Matrix of size [nSpecies, nSpecies] with the multicomponent diffusion coefficients D(i,j), the diffusion coefficient for species i due to concentration gradients in species j. Units: m^2/s

setThermalConductivity(tr, lam)#

Set the thermal conductivity.

This method can only be used with transport models that support directly setting the value of the thermal conductivity.

  • tr – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport)

  • lam – Thermal conductivity in W/(m-K)


Get the thermal conductivity.


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which the thermal conductivity is desired.


Thermal conductivity. Units: W/m-K


Get the thermal diffusion coefficients.

Object a must belong to a class derived from Transport, and that was constructed by specifying the 'multicomponent' option. If 'multicomponent' was not specified, the returned values will all be zero.


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which the thermal diffusion coefficients are desired.


Vector of thermal diffusion coefficients of length nSpecies


Get the dynamic viscosity.


a – Instance of class Transport() (or another object derived from Transport) for which the viscosity is desired.


Dynamic viscosity. Units: Pa*s