# Transport Properties Here, we describe how Cantera uses species and phase information to calculate transport properties and rates. Similar to Cantera's approach to [thermodynamic properties](/reference/thermo/index), transport property calculations in Cantera depend on information at both the species and phase levels. The user must specify transport models for both levels, and these selections must be compatible with one another. - The user must specify a transport model for each species and provide inputs that inform how species properties are calculated. For example, the user provides inputs that allow Cantera to calculate species collision integrals based on species-specific Lennard-Jones parameters. - The user also selects a phase transport model. This model describes how the species interact with one another to determine properties such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion coefficients for a given thermodynamic state. ## Species Transport Parameters Transport property models in general require parameters that express the effect of each species on the transport properties of the phase. Currently, most transport models available in Cantera are applicable to gaseous phases. ```{admonition} YAML Usage :class: tip Gas transport properties can be defined in the YAML format using the [`transport`](sec-yaml-species-transport) field of a `species` entry. ``` (sec-phase-transport-models)= ## Phase Transport Models Multicomponent : A multicomponent transport model for ideal gases, based on the model described by Dixon-Lewis {cite:t}`dixon-lewis1968`; See also Kee et al. {cite:t}`kee2017`. The multicomponent transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `multicomponent`. Implemented by class {ct}`MultiTransport`. Mixture-averaged : A mixture-averaged transport model for ideal gases, as described in Kee et al. {cite:t}`kee2017`. The mixture-averaged transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `mixture-averaged`. Implemented by class {ct}`MixTransport`. High-pressure Gas : A model for high-pressure gas transport properties based on a method of corresponding states {cite:p}`takahashi1975,poling2001`. The high-pressure gas transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `high-pressure`. Implemented by class {ct}`HighPressureGasTransport`. Ionized Gas : A model implementing the Stockmayer-(n,6,4) model for transport of ions in a gas. The ionized gas transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `ionized-gas`. Implemented by class {ct}`IonGasTransport`. Unity Lewis Number : A transport model for ideal gases where diffusion coefficients for all species are set so that the [Lewis number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_number) is 1. The unity Lewis number transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `unity-Lewis-number`. Implemented by class {ct}`UnityLewisTransport`. Water : A transport model for pure water applicable in both liquid and vapor phases. The water transport model can be specified in the YAML format by setting the [`transport`](sec-yaml-phase-transport) field of the phase entry to `water`. Implemented by class {ct}`WaterTransport`.