Posts tagged GSoC 2019

GSoC 2019 Fourth Blog

After two months, the functions of ChemCheck are fairly robust. We improved editing and ck2yaml error reporting pages this week, and we added pages for user account management.

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GSoC Third Blog – Function update

As we planned after the first evaluation, the functionality of ChemCheck should be more robust. File replacement was added, and users are able to update and delete files arbitrarily.

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GSoC 2019 First Evaluation

Thanks to the instructions from mentors Richard West (@rwest), Bryan Weber (@bryanwweber) and Kyle Niemeyer (@kyleniemeyer), the website is functioning after the first month, and we will keep improving it in the rest of the GSoC time. From what I mentioned in the last post, ChemCheck is a web-based application for visualizing and diagnosing syntax and chemical errors in Chemkin and Cantera input files. In this case, we created basic functions that allow users to convert their mechanism files to Cantera YAML input files easily (Cantera input file is going to be changed from CTI file to YAML file, so we made some adjustments as well).

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GSoC 2019: PyCanChemAndYouCan2 (ChemCheck)

Hi everyone! I’m Chao Xu, a master student in Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University. I am working on a Cantera project in GSoC 2019 with my mentor Richard West (@rwest) and other Cantera committee members (@bryanwweber, @kyleniemeyer). I am glad to introduce my project here!

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