--- date: 2019-09-09 15:07 tags: funding --- # NSF awards Cantera Project $2.5M through 2022 We are proud to announce that NSF has awarded funds to members of the development team and steering committee, under the [_Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI)_](https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2019/nsf19548/nsf19548.htm) program. The proposal, titled _Extensible and community-driven thermodynamics, transport, and chemical kinetics modeling with Cantera: expanding to diverse scientific domains_, was awarded $2.5M USD to enable new scientific modeling capabilities, improvements to the Cantera software architecture, and perform community development activities. These activities will help further Cantera's primary objective, which is a generalizable software package to assist users in a variety of fields with a range of calculations related to thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and species transport. In particular, new capabilities added to Cantera and outreach to new scientific domains will help recruit new users in fields such as electrochemistry, catalysis, and atmospheric chemistry, while continuing to build the current user base. Helping recruit new users while also making it easier for current users to contribute to the software will help further establish Cantera's status as a powerful, user-friendly, and community-driven software package with high impact in multiple fields. The [Cantera Steering Committee](current-steering-committee) is happy to discuss the successful proposal with interested parties. Please email for more information, or see the [award announcement](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1931584&HistoricalAwards=false).